Tips & FAQs

Derwent Ferries is currently contracted (by the Tasmanian Government) to operate a public transport commuter trial service between Bellerive and Hobart. This contract has a timetable and schedule – designed around commuter travel times – that we as the operator must adhere to.

The Tasmanian Government will go out to tender for an ongoing service. The details of the tender are not yet known.

We sincerely hope that one day in the future we will be operating a network of ferries on our beautiful river, with accessible infrastructure, and multiple pick-up / drop-off points.

Derwent Ferries is currently contracted (by the Tasmanian Government) to operate a public transport commuter trial service between Bellerive and Hobart. This contract has a timetable and schedule – designed around commuter travel times – that we as the operator must adhere to. Under the current contract we do not operate on Sundays or public holidays.

Other organisations are welcome to charter our vessels, so long as it doesn’t interfere with the public transport trial service that we operate on behalf of the Tasmanian Government.

In the past we have run services to the football and cricket, between Hobart and Bellerive. These services were run in a manner that didn’t interfere with our contractual obligations and were commissioned by organisations other than the Tasmanian Government.

If you’re running a festival or event and you need river transport, you’re welcome to make an enquiry via this link.

Our ‘number 1 priority’ is the safety of passengers and crew. Our crew are trained in all aspects of onboard safety so please listen and obey the instructions given to you by the skipper and crew. The full terms and conditions of travel can be found here.

  • Stay alert, slow down and take care at the ferry terminals, when boarding, moving around on the ferry and when disembarking.
  • Give way to others, use the handrails and watch your footing when using the gangways.
  • Please be ready for a few gentle bumps whist pulling in at the piers.
  • All children must be supervised at all times – onboard the ferry and around the ferry terminals.
  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or the child’s sibling who is 15 years or older. They must not travel alone.
  • Do not sit children on the rails, or on your shoulders.
  • Ensure bulky items are stowed safely and are not blocking access.
  • Ask the crew for help if you need it – using bike racks, climbing stairs, opening doors etc
  • The ferry has life jackets and life rafts. In the unlikely event of an emergency, please follow instructions from the crew.
  • If you feel unwell, please alert a crew member who can call for help if required. Please do not board the ferry if you feel unwell, help is much closer at the terminals. In an emergency call 000.
  • Ferries and ferry terminals are fitted with CCTV cameras. Please report any suspicious behaviour.
  • We reserve the right to refuse boarding permission of anyone (or anything) we deem to be at risk of breaching our safety standards.
  • Whilst regulation regarding the COVID-19 pandemic has eased, we encourage all passengers and crew to maintain good health and hygiene standards.
  • Hand sanitiser is provided on board the ferry – everyone is welcome to use it.
  • Face masks are no longer required on public transport, but individuals are free to wear a mask if they wish.
  • Public transport is exempt from gathering restrictions and social distancing requirements, but we encourage all passengers to socially distance wherever possible.
  • For public health updates, contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738 or visit

There is space for 15 bikes (per trip) on our trial ferry the Excella. They are available on a ‘first in, best dressed’ basis. If there is no space on board, it may be necessary to store your bike at the wharf.

Bellerive Pier has a designated bike storage area and the City of Hobart provides parking for bicycles in areas of high demand.

Wherever you store your bike, be sure to bring your own lock and be aware that you are storing your bike there at your own risk.

Bicycle Network have some great information on their website with suggested routes for riding to the ferry.

Bikes, e-bikes and e-scooters come in all shapes and sizes, so whether or not we can take them on board will be assessed by the skipper and crew on a case-by-case basis. As safety is our number one priority, we will take into account the item weight (30kg max), ease of manoeuvrability, and suitability for safe stowage. It may be necessary to lock up your ‘ride’ at the pier before boarding.

All modes of transport (excluding electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters) need to be easily and safely pushed across the gangway – as opposed to being ridden.

Food and drinks are available for purchase on board.

Please use the bins provided or take your rubbish with you.

If required, the crew are willing and able to assist anyone who requires assistance with boarding and disembarking the ferry. Just ask.

There is an accessible toilet onboard the ferry and at Brooke Street Pier.

Only assistance animals are permitted to travel on the ferry – with appropriate accreditation. Accreditation is required to ensure that the animal travelling on the service exhibits the skills and actions to alleviate the handler’s disability on public transport and also meets the standards of behaviour and hygiene appropriate for a public place.

All children must be supervised at all times – onboard the ferry and around the ferry terminals.

Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult, or the child’s sibling who is 15 years or older. They must not travel alone.

Travelling by ferry across the beautiful River Derwent should be an enjoyable experience. Being kind and courteous to other passengers and crew goes a long way to making the trip pleasurable.

  • Offer your seat to someone who looks like they need it more than you do.
  • Keep doors and walkways clear of bags, bikes and prams so people can move about easily.
  • Speak quietly on the phone.
  • Keep the volume down on devices and headphones.
  • Use the rubbish bins on board or at the terminals.
  • Smoking is not permitted on or around public transport.
  • Abusive, threatening or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in fines.

Derwent Ferries will make all reasonable efforts to return lost property to the rightful owner. If you report a lost item to us and that item is recovered, you will be contacted and a suitable pick-up time and location will be arranged.